Part 94: 12/03/09 - 12/04/09
I, uh... really don't think that message should be there. How odd.
An Ultimatum
We get no free time today and don't even get free reign. Just gonna get right into the important stuff then!

No, Koromaru isn't here!

Are you okay, Ryoji-kun?

Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks.

Besides, there's more I have to tell you guys.


Yes, there are many questions we need answered.

Please elaborate on this.

Who the hell's Nyx...?

If she is awakened, darkness will once again cover the land, and all life will vanish.

You mean, everyone will die!?

All life will vanish...?

Th-Then, that must mean...!
> ...Everyone seems to be coming to the same conclusion.
> ...leading to the extinxtion of mankind, and the end of the world.

The Fall...

But, it's still possible to keep it from happening, right?



There's no way to prevent it...?

Wait, what're you apologizing for!?

Are you saying it's for certain!?


You heard the bell...

I'm The Appriser... The Appriser of Death...
> Everyone is at a loss for words...
> It is inevitable... The entire human race will become members of The Lost.
> Ryoji's existance confirms the impending extinction of mankind.

When!? When will it happen!?

But, that's not too far away!

*laugh* Wh-What're you guys freaking out about?

And that won't be a problem cuz we've never lost!

It has nothing to do with strength, ability, or power.

Just as all living things die... and the flow of time is continuous...

Nyx cannot be defeated.


This is all so sudden...
> The others are unable to hide their fear...

I was born from a collection of Shadows.

But now, I have a human form... So I can talk with you, laugh with you, cry with you...

All gifts I received because I was inside him.

A choice...?

Nyx's coming cannot be avoided.

But, it is possible to live in peace until she arrives.

as would any recollection of the fate that awaits you.

You won't remember anything.

We'll forget everything?

You'll be able to return to your normal lives.

And in doing so, the time until the Fall will be slightly delayed.

But thanks to him, there's a part of me that's "human".

So, if death comes from his hands, I think it may be possible.


If you don't kill me, you will suffer more than you could ever imagine.

And I... I don't want you to have to endure such pain.

...I don't want my memories to be erased.

...To forget everything would be like hiding from the truth!

Would that really be such a bad thing?

All that awaits you now is despair.

Please, don't make your decision without at least thinking about what I've said.


Why is this happening!?

You don't have to decide right now.


I will disappear with the coming of Nyx anyways...

So, don't worry about me.

I'll be back on New Year's Eve...


I can't sense him anymore.

Ryoji-kun's no longer here...

Are you sure?



> The world will soon perish...
> The destiny of mankind is extinction...
> A difficult decision lies before you...
> The Appriser waits for you.
> You cannot think clearly.
> How does a person choose the way he will die?
Iwatodai Dorm
Whew, that was... quite a lot to take in all at once, huh. This definitely is something that everyone has something to talk about.

It feels like my insides are being torn apart...

Regardless of how much we want to live?

We're trying to live our lives the best we can, and...'s all going to end now? Come on! Get real...!

This is such bullshit, man...

This can't be happening...!
...I didn't say they all had A LOT to say about it. Just, y'know, something.
Newscaster: Many are questioning the abilities of the experts who predicted a date when the recovery would begin...
On the one hand, yeah that's fair since we just had a full moon.
On the other hand, it's the third day of the month right now. Be patient, jeez!

Just as odd as somehow getting Great status before, we didn't get any message at all today for some reason. How peculiar.
Changing Seasons (Reincarnation) /
Listening: I heard the same thing. It puts people at ease, right?
Listening: What, are you taking this seriously?
Gossiping: O-Of course not!
> The first bell has rung.
So, today is when the new requests for Elizabeth get added. All 3 of them.
Yep, there's a whole 3 new quests this month. The Old Document was added last month, but out of the 3 we now have... two of them are item drops from Tartarus like normal. That means we have a whole 1 quest right now that doesn't involve Tartarus at all.

...Fortunately, it's another date request!
Elizabeth's Learning Experience

> You showed Eizabeth to your room.
This, uh, this room is pretty empty especially compared to all the others. Except Shinji's, I guess...


Anyway... regarding my request to "visit your room"...

Well... Did it make you a little suspicious?

Not really.

I see...
> Elizabeth seems unusually hesitant...
> You decided to listen to Elizabeth's story.

All of them are treasured memories... Each one a polished, glittering gem.

Walking around the crowded Port Island streets... sampling the local cuisine...

Idling the hours away at the shrine... Even attending your school for a day...

That's... when I came to a realization.

And so today, I requested to visit the one place in your world that I could learn the most about you...

I requested to visit your room.

If I may be so bold...

Do you recall the day you gave me a tour of your school...?

How I mentioned that I "felt very fulfilled" when I touched you?
It's true, she did!

I remember.

It was the first time I ever felt that way.

Why did I feel so fulfilled...?

After coming here... I can finally answer that question.

We who reside in the Velvet Room wait with great anticipation for "guests"...

Their arrival is our only link to the outside world, and gives us a reason to be.

By touching you like this... I can have all that for myself.

I think I see.

I'll put it more plainly.

If you wouldn't mind...
It's odd that this is the only one that gets a choice in the matter. For the sake of consistency...

...Thank you...
It's not even an implication this time around.


If I stay on this side any longer, I fear I will forget my duties entirely...

And that would put you at a severe disadvantage, wouldn't it?

That is why... I'll draw a line under my visits here, and remain on my side from now on.

...Thank you very much for acting as a guide on my journey of discovery.

I'm very grateful...

Now then, though the sorrow may be sweet... let us part.
> You headed back to the Velvet Room with Elizabeth.
Blues of the Soul
okay so yknow how i said changing seasons is my favourite general track? yeah this is straight up better and its just a bonus for the vanilla ost


About what happened...

E-Excuse me. I suddenly remembered...

To show my gratitude for indulging my curiosity to the end, I have something truly special for you.

It's a beautiful, birdlike Persona that glides over the battlefield.

Higher and higher it rises...

It, too, is part of you... while I can only gaze at it from below.

This will be the last of my requests to explore your world.

Thank you very much for everything you've done for me.

Please accept your reward.
So, yeah, Kartikeya's someone we can't fuse for a while of course. He's level 70, so he's around the level we'll likely be by the final boss. Yikes!
Worth noting that he's a wholly new Persona for FES and is pretty okay I guess but not really all that stellar. At least by default.

That done, we're back down to just requests that we can't do without going to Tartarus for one reason or another. So, we'll just head back to school and hang out with best boy, Bebe.

I am finished!!
> It seems Bebe has finally finished the kimono.

Great work!

*sniff* *sniff* Your words will always 'ave a place in my 'eart, Makoto-sama...

When my uncles sees zis, he will surely let me come back to Nihon!

It eez time for 'im to concede!

I must 'urry up and go see 'im!

But, I'll be back!

I will not give in to my uncle!



Please, take zis!

I made it from ze leftover material.

It eez a sign of our friendship!

Onegaishimasu... Please...

Wait for my return, Makoto-sama.

My favorite memories from Nihon...

I wish you luck.

Z-Zank you so--

> Bebe seems to truly appreciate all that you've done for him.
> You've gained a lifelong friend!
The Path is Open
Yurlungur is... bad. The good news is its level 64 so we're relatively close to it (but not really). Its best stat is Endurance which is at a whopping 49. I am almost certainly going to skip Yurlungur beyond needing it for my compendium.
Odd note: Yurlungur in vanilla was NOT the final Temperance Persona. No, there it was Byakko. We've used him already, though, as you may or may not remember.

Tomorrow, I must go...
> After promising to meet up with Bebe sometime in the future, you decided to go back to the dorm.
Hasta la vista, Bebe.
Iwatodai Dorm

Oh, you're back... My bad.

Could last night just have been a dream or something...?


No, probably not, huh...?
So, while everyone DOES have updated dialogue here, Mitsuru, Fuuka, Yukari and Akihiko all just give us minor recaps of stuff we learned either at the start of this update or during the previous one. Mitsuru does have one new thing to tell us...

What happened to Aigis?

After the incident, Aigis was taken to the laboratory.
...even if it is just confirming something you probably expected at this point anyway. I'll just skip over the recap stuff, for obvious reasons.

I remember the other time I wished everything was a dream...


Saying the world is going to end out of nowhere...

The Appriser!? What the hell does that mean, anyway?
Newscaster: To ward off Apathy Syndrome, try waving goodbye to the setting sun!
That... really doesn't help with much of anything. Astrology is already appallingly bad and bullshit, so its not like this makes it any worse but still.

Anyway, you might have noticed earlier that there was some new stuff hanging out around town now. Its not super clear, but that symbol looks to me an awful lot like its just the word "NYX"...